Virtual Integrated School Room Technology Incubator (VISRTI)
a.k.a 'vis-ur-ti'
Calling all programmers to help solve key VISRTI app challenges for the developing world.
Why not?
Why can't every child on the planet have access to an education from where they call home beginning with their own mother tongue when they already have access to a family smart phone? All predictions of smart phone proliferation have been wildly under estimated.
Even if next year every family has a smart phone when the price falls to $20, it will take years for education software across all 7,000+ languages to catch up.
Unless, Programmers remove a few road blocks that will enable normal educators to make their own apps that are equipped to turn viral through the physical web.
What are the road blocks?
The Virtual Integrated School Room Technology Incubator ('vis-ur-ti') invites programmers to a collaborative volunteer open systems approach to address the 4 key technical challenges for successful grass roots proliferation of Mother Tongue Education (MTE) virtual school room (VSR) apps.
No, you won't build those 7,000+ apps but you will be providing the glue so school teachers can using conventional HTML wysiwyg editors make curricula and compile with Cordova. Thanks to the removed road blocks of Big data foot print, Easy Work Flow UI, physical web app sharing and virtual volunteer teacher control panel... teachers and children can then focus on learning and playing.
Who can help?
Do you have programming skills and want to make a difference in the world with a few well placed lines of code? Are you a student and want to fulfill some practical application open systems development course requirement in a meaningful way? Register to the community tab and start posting your collaborations and links to your prototyped solutions shared on your Github. Be sure to make your license open for sharing!
Work at your own pace, individually or with others in the VISRTI to solve these 4 key challenges. It will open the door for others who are educators (not programmers) to be able to build those life changing apps that enable every child learn to read, etc. As road blocks are removed teachers can start making their apps. The all free His Hands Reader mother tongue literacy apps will include VISRTI suggestions and serve as a lab rat test case for how it all works across many areas of the world. Your arm chair programming will immediately get used through out the world helping Deaf and Hearing learn to read side by side.
Remove these key road blocks... see below
Why can't every child on the planet have access to an education from where they call home beginning with their own mother tongue when they already have access to a family smart phone? All predictions of smart phone proliferation have been wildly under estimated.
Even if next year every family has a smart phone when the price falls to $20, it will take years for education software across all 7,000+ languages to catch up.
Unless, Programmers remove a few road blocks that will enable normal educators to make their own apps that are equipped to turn viral through the physical web.
What are the road blocks?
The Virtual Integrated School Room Technology Incubator ('vis-ur-ti') invites programmers to a collaborative volunteer open systems approach to address the 4 key technical challenges for successful grass roots proliferation of Mother Tongue Education (MTE) virtual school room (VSR) apps.
No, you won't build those 7,000+ apps but you will be providing the glue so school teachers can using conventional HTML wysiwyg editors make curricula and compile with Cordova. Thanks to the removed road blocks of Big data foot print, Easy Work Flow UI, physical web app sharing and virtual volunteer teacher control panel... teachers and children can then focus on learning and playing.
Who can help?
Do you have programming skills and want to make a difference in the world with a few well placed lines of code? Are you a student and want to fulfill some practical application open systems development course requirement in a meaningful way? Register to the community tab and start posting your collaborations and links to your prototyped solutions shared on your Github. Be sure to make your license open for sharing!
Work at your own pace, individually or with others in the VISRTI to solve these 4 key challenges. It will open the door for others who are educators (not programmers) to be able to build those life changing apps that enable every child learn to read, etc. As road blocks are removed teachers can start making their apps. The all free His Hands Reader mother tongue literacy apps will include VISRTI suggestions and serve as a lab rat test case for how it all works across many areas of the world. Your arm chair programming will immediately get used through out the world helping Deaf and Hearing learn to read side by side.
Remove these key road blocks... see below
Key Road Blocks
Click below to enter the VISRTI incubator
Click below to enter the VISRTI incubator
- DONE No Cloud??... so apps must contain all supporting Education BIG media data and run from the extSD
- DONE Universal playlist function to simplify UI HTML work flow authoring (details coming)
- Physical Web (Beacon) technology to share apps, real time synchronize app instruction without wifi or cloud (details coming)
- Volunteer Virtual Teacher control panel (details coming)